- @n eidsvold to mount perry 83.07 km, 13.90 km/h ave, 5:58:34 time, 68 km/h Mac #
- wonders if gin gin should change it's name to gin joint #
- @n mount perry to gin gin 55.59 km, 15.76 km/h ave, 3:31:39 time, 68 km/h max #cycleqld2010 #
- is in sunny bundaberg, yay! #
- always feels sad for chinese restaurants in country towns #
- had an unexpectedly good hot and sour soup in bundy #
- is leaving bundaberg, the town with buses that go past, but no bus stop signs. #
- @harrip01 no, but being on foot, I was able to do some good tasting. in reply to harrip01 #
- has returned to Sydney and is working on a replacement set of keys :-/ #foolishbrian #
- @oliverzip only two weeks in reply to oliverzip #
- thinks that all those local libraries in qld should become free wifi hotspots #
- has only 400 unread emails at home… #
- @desktop: the backyard: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/343839090/sizes/o/ #
- read all 600 emails in one morning session #
- @desktop: Tuck Kee Restaurant: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/4705294375/sizes/l/ #
- @Warlach now that is something I have wanted for a long time. Did not think to go looking for an app. thanks! in reply to Warlach #
- @KathKissell it is a state funeral in reply to KathKissell #
- @n state funera in Geroge Street, Sydney: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/4994427373/ #
- is waiting for a bus #
- @desktop – parliament hotel, Dublin – http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/120184695/sizes/l/ #
- is starving, what do they say, starve a cold and feed a flu? Oh well, feed it will be. #
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