I still love traveling by boat. I think it is because we migrated from Singapore to Fremantle by boat. I can still vividly remember the trip, including sitting on King Neptune’s knee when we crossed the equator.
The boat trips are: Incheon -> Dalian on the Da-in Ferry- Wed. & Sat. 18:30
Seoul: 02-3218-6550
Incheon: 032-888-2611
Dalian: 0411-270-5082
Plan A: Dalian Ferry
A traveler’s description of the Da-in Ferry: …we took the subway to Incheon, then a bus to the ferry station. We boarded our ferry for Dalian, which was much bigger than the Dandong ferry. It actually had a lounge where you could sit. Since we nearly starved to death on our first ferry ride, we came prepared this time with our buckets of ramen noodles (just add hot water).
If I cannot get the ferry I want on the day I want it.
A traveler’s description of the Dan Dong Ferry: The ferry was small and there was no place to go except on deck or our smacubiclecal style beds. We stayed on deck until the sunset and we were too cold, then retired to our beds to read. Dan Dong is 6 hours by slow bus, north of Dalian, but it is on the North Korea border and you can see into North Korea. (http://www.serasphere.net/dalianletters/2005-05/korea.htm)
Plan C: Fly to DiLian.