Internet Access in Korea

There is so much info and it is all so different. They say that half of the world’s wifi access points are in Korea! Anyway there seem to be the following options.
  1. Use the endless free access points or
  2. Use a Korea Telecom 3,000 won per hour pre paid card that you can only purchase at Seoul airport, but the login software does not work on my computer, or
  3. Use a Internet Bung (cafe).

Most public buildings and the airports I passed through had at least one free wi-fi service, and while one hotel charged for wired access from my room, it did provide free wi-fi in the lobby. At another extreme was a hotel that provided free wired LAN to the room and wi-fi access in the lobby. For the most part I could find free and pay wi-fi everywhere and often – they often coexisted in the same locations!

It sounds like the best plan is to see what free access there is and if there is none use a Bung.

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