An overreaction?

Here are some new laws in Victoria. I wonder what the fine would be for a motorist who did the same thing? I had a school friend who was on bicycle by a car and squashed between the car and a parked truck. He spent 6 months in hospital. No one cried out that he have been badly treated by a those evil and reckless car drivers! Maybe the car driver should have been thrown in jail forĀ  life!
My view is that there should not be special laws for particular road users. There should be one law for all. If this is a problem, it should apply to car drives, truck drivers, cyclists and everyone else who uses the road. The type of vehicle should make no difference.

The new maximum penalties under the laws, which come into force today, include:

* $284 or seven days’ prison if property is damaged by a cyclist and the rider does not immediately stop and offer assistance

* $13,610 or prison for 12 months, or both, for dangerous riding

* $681 for careless riding

* $68,052 or five years in prison if a person is killed or seriously injured by a cyclist and the rider does not immediately stop and offer assistance

Under previous bicycle laws, cyclists could only be fined up to $567 for riding in a dangerous, careless or reckless manner.

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