Australia Day 2014
Here we are again, celebrating the day when the first permanent european settlement began marking the start of the greatest[…]
Read moreThis is my old site that I resurrected.
Here we are again, celebrating the day when the first permanent european settlement began marking the start of the greatest[…]
Read moreThis is a little statement about good vs law and chaos in the world of AD&D. Basically what it says[…]
Read moreClimate Not that I ever really wanted to go there, but it seems that the chances of going the north[…]
Read moreIt has been quite a week. I put in several links and then decided that they are boring. So here[…]
Read moreI think there people should be sent to see if they have any brains at all. I mean, why stop[…]
Read moreHere are some new laws in Victoria. I wonder what the fine would be for a motorist who did the[…]
Read moreIt seems that the world is full of stupid law makers who should have sense to make balanced and sensible[…]
Read more…姚居士于四十岁时,于寺院随人跑香学习打坐。后又从佛学名宿罗时宪老师及叶文意老师学习静坐之法。每天均依时习定。打坐三个多月左右,已常于坐中见释迦佛,阿弥陀佛,弥勒佛及观世音菩萨。后于五十四岁时受菩萨戒开始持长素。… (When Yao scholar to 40 years old, runs the fragrant study to the temple along with the person to[…]
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