The first I knew of it was when signs appears at he bus stop advising that the bus stop would be shut and the busses run down Menin road.
Then I went looking and found a page on Facebook. It was not something of great interest. But I thought, it we have time we should go.
The Sunday came around. The girls were a bit stir crazy. It was hard to get them out of the house. In the end I had to push the issue. But as soon as we were walking down the footpath into town, everything was good.
We wandered down Main Street, which was closed for the event. There were a number of old cars and newer motorbikes. They generally liked anything that was pink. Through Teresa particularly liked the velour interior of the panel van shagin-wagon.
Later we bumped into Florence and her family. We voted and gave some ideas at the Yarra Ranges Stall about what we thought should be in Monbulk, before heading home. The girls were particularly of the view that Monbulk needs fewer hair dressers and really needs an ice cream shop and a sushi shop.