Swimming at Main Beach in Byron Bay

I did something I rarely do and should do more often. I went down to the beach for a swim. I did not really swim and there were too few waves to body surf, so really I just stood in the water and got cold. But still it was an interesting and novel experience. I have to take off my glasses so I can not see very much. There were quite a few little fishes swimming in the surf. The others did some snorkelling and saw more fish.

We were good and swam between the flags, mostly. They are very close together and this is actually quite hard to do.

And I had my usual problem with the glasses. They get patterns on them. In this one the left lens is half dark becuase that part of my glasses was in the shadow. The first time it happened it was top half and bottom half and I thought he glasses were broken. Later on I got some interesting patterns and know how to do that now so there will be more photos of this phenomenon.

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