The dogs
Since we have moved in we had had a series of problems with the dogs. Mostly the big dogs. We[…]
Read moreThis is my old site that I resurrected.
Driving back from Marrickville metro, with Angelika and Milla. Turning right from Sidmore into Edinburgh. Nearly collided with a car[…]
Read moreAn unusual morning, two car crashes. The second one more significant. I do not know if any one was hurt.[…]
Read moreI nearly ran over a J-walking pedestrian today. He came out between the parked cars where it was illegal to[…]
Read moreDid another bike ride with the Saturday Slowies. This time I kept up better with the riders, but still falling[…]
Read moreI was reminded of the sign on a bus and the hostile discussion it generated. One of my friends who[…]
Read moreThis is the other tragic death in the story of two tragic deaths, both for her and for her husband.[…]
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